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Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with a knotless suture bridge technique: Functional and radiological outcomes after a minimum follow-up of 5 years

Arthroscopy May 31, 2019

Dukan R, et al. - This investigation is conducted to assess arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with knotless suture bridge in the aspect of functional and radiological outcomes with minimum 5 years follow up. Supraspinatus atraumatic chronic tears, medium or large with a minimum follow up of 5 years with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 24 months and fatty infiltration <2 were included. Clinical outcomes were evaluated using Constant score, the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score, strength score, and a visual analog scale. Healing tendon was analyzed according to Sugaya MRI classification at 24 months. A Sugaya score of 1 or 2 was considered as tendon healing. The study included 68 participants. MRI showed 88% (n=57) of Sugaya 1-2 repairs. Unhealed rotator cuffs showed significantly lower functional results than the Sugaya 1-2 group. Four symptomatic patients (6%) required revision for failed rotator cuff repair. Findings revealed that arthroscopic knotless suture bridge repair of rotator cuff tears with acromioplasty has long term results of tendon healing, pain relief, and improvement of shoulder function.
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