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Arthroscopic outcomes as a function of acetabular coverage from a large hip arthroscopy study group

Arthroscopy Aug 13, 2019

Matsuda DK, Kivlan BR, Nho SJ, et al. - Patients with low (borderline dysplasia), normal, and high (global pincer femoroacetabular impingement [FAI]) lateral acetabular coverage were examined for hip arthroscopic outcomes. In this retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of 437 patients, patients were assigned to 1 of 3 groups based on preoperative lateral center-edge angle: borderline dysplasia (≤ 25°), normal (25.1°-38.9°), and pincer (≥ 39°). The only statistical difference between groups was a lower prevalence of acetabuloplasty in the borderline dysplasia group. Outcomes revealed no influence of lateral acetabular coverage on outcomes from primary hip arthroscopy when performed in patients with low (borderline dysplasia), normal, and high (global pincer FAI) lateral center-edge angle. No successful 2-year minimum outcomes or survivorship was noted for borderline dysplasia and moderate global pincer FAI with no or minimal osteoarthritis following primary hip arthroscopy when performed by experienced surgeons.
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