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Arthroscopic-assisted coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction: Clinical outcomes and return to activity at mean six-year follow-up

Arthroscopy Dec 06, 2020

Lamplot JD, Shah SS, Chan JM, et al. - The present study was conducted to describe clinical and functional results including a return to pre-injury activity level following arthroscopic-assisted coracoclavicular (CC) ligament reconstruction (AA-CCR) and to ascertain relationships between the return to pre-injury activity level, radiographic outcomes, and patient-reported outcomes following AA-CCR. Researchers conducted an institutional registry review of all AA-CCR applying free tendon grafts between 2007 and 2016. Eighty0eight patients (89.8% male) with a mean age of 39.6 years and minimum 2-year clinical follow-up (mean 6.1 years) were included. It was shown that AA-CCR with free tendon grafts resulted in good clinical outcomes and a high rate of return to pre-injury activity level. There was no correlation between radiographic loss of reduction and return to pre-injury activity level. Concomitant pathology that needed treatment did not adversely influence results. The results considered that return to pre-injury activity level may be a more clinically relevant outcome measure than radiographic maintenance of AC joint reduction.

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