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Arterial stiffness in normal pregnancy at 11–13 weeks of gestation and risk of late-onset hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

Journal of Hypertension Apr 03, 2019

Marozio L, et al. - The risk of late-onset hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was assessed in relation to pulse wave analysis (PWA) parameters measured during the first trimester of pregnancy in normotensive, low-risk women. At the time of prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities (11+0–12+6 weeks of gestation), a total of 1648 cases were recruited. Using an applanation tonometer on pregnant women in recumbent position, researchers assessed radial pressure waveform. They assessed arterial stiffness using arterial PWA. According to the findings, PWA could have utility for the early identification of risk for the development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in normotensive, low-risk pregnant women.
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