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Arterial and venous complications after fertility treatment: A nationwide cohort study

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Mar 16, 2019

Filipovic-Pierucci A, et al. - Researchers performed an observational prospective cohort study of 277,913 women who underwent fertility treatment (FT), for a total of 788,007 FT cycles, with 82,821 FT-related pregnancies to assess thromboembolic complication rate following unsuccessful FT and among FT-related pregnancy. In addition, they examined if the risk change between FT types. They noted 75 venous thromboembolism and 43 arterial thrombosis (AT) among unsuccessful FT cycles. A higher risk of VTE was observed in correlation with ovulation stimulation (OS) treatment cycles but not with ovulation induction (OI) when compared with the reference group. Hence they emphasize monitoring women undergoing FT, especially OS FT, regardless of pregnancy status. They noted 207 VTE and 35 AT among FT-related pregnancies. The first trimester appears to be a high-risk period for thromboembolic complications in FT-related pregnancy compared with spontaneous pregnancies.
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