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Are singleton pregnancies after assisted reproduction technology (ART) associated with a higher risk of placental anomalies compared with non-ART singleton pregnancies? A systematic review and meta-analysis

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology May 20, 2018

BG Vermey, et al. - Whether or not assisted reproduction technology (ART) singleton pregnancies are associated with an increased risk of placental anomalies compared with non-ART singleton pregnancies has been determined. Researchers recognized 33 low/moderate quality studies evaluating 124,215 ART and 6,054,729 non-ART singleton pregnancies. Findings suggested higher risk of placenta praevia, placental abruption and morbidly adherent placenta in ART pregnancies in comparison to spontaneously conceived (SC) pregnancies. When compared to non-ART pregnancies, ART pregnancies exhibited a higher risk of placenta praevia and placental abruption. In frozen-embryo transfer-ART pregnancies, risk of placenta praevia was higher but not significantly so, than in SC pregnancies.
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