Are fibroid and bony pelvis characteristics associated with urinary and pelvic symptom severity?
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology May 11, 2019
Shaffer RK, et al. - Via performing this retrospective review (2013–2017) of a multidisciplinary fibroid clinic identifying 338 women, researchers examined how urinary, pelvic floor and fibroid symptoms, are associated with fibroid size and location using precise uterine fibroid and bony pelvis characteristics that were obtained from magnetic resonance imaging. Contrary to common belief, this cohort of women showed no correlation of size and position of fibroid tumors or uterus with pelvic floor symptom severity. Whereas, dominant submucosal fibroid tumor and previous hormonal treatment were identified influencing the bleeding symptom severity. They recommend carefully assessing clinical factors such as body mass index and medical history while evaluating pelvic floor symptoms in women with uterine fibroid tumors.
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