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Are changes in physical fitness, body composition and weight associated with exercise attendance and dropout among fitness club members? Longitudinal prospective study

BMJ Open Apr 18, 2019

Gjestvang C, et al. - Researchers, for the first time, examined whether changes in physical fitness, body composition, and weight are correlated with exercise attendance and dropout among fitness club members, and identified motives for fitness club membership and exercise. A total of 125 new fitness club members were recruited in. Findings suggested an association of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) with regular attendance at the fitness club at 3 and 12 months. There were no differences between study groups (regular and low attendance, exercise dropout) in body composition, weight, and maximum muscle strength. Ultimately, the main motive for fitness club membership and exercise was physiological factors (ie, weight loss, increase in muscle mass, or aerobic capacity), with an increase in physical fitness, followed by health and appearance-related motives.

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