Appraisal of clinical complications after 23,827 oocyte retrievals in a large assisted reproductive technology program
Fertility and Sterility Jun 12, 2018
Levi-Setti PE, et al. - In this retrospective analysis, the researchers evaluated complications encountered after transvaginal oocyte retrieval procedures. Results of this study suggested that oocyte retrieval could be considered a safe procedure but was not without risks. A high number of oocytes retrieved, a long duration of the procedure and mean time per oocyte retrieved, the inexperience of the surgeon, younger patients with a lesser body mass index (BMI), and history of prior abdominal or pelvic surgery or pelvic inflammatory disease were the most important, identifiable, risk factors for the occurrence of complications.
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- An aggrgate of 23,827 consecutive transvaginal oocyte retrieval procedures in 12,615 patients was performed in University hospital, fertility center.
- Between June 1996 and October 2016, oocyte retrieval procedures was performed.
- All oocyte retrieval complications and those requiring hospital admission for at least 24 hours were considered severe was the main outcomes measures.
- As per data, an aggregate of 96 patients (0.76 %) suffered complications, with hospital admission necessary for 71 patients (0.56 %).
- It was noted that the overall complication rate was 0.4%, whereas 0.29% was the admission rate, with an average duration of hospital stay of 2.77 ± 2.5 days when calculated per retrieval.
- For 24 patients (0.1% per retrieval and 0.19% per patient), surgical procedure was necessary.
- Multivariate analysis demonstrated a significant association between complications and women age, BMI, the number oocyte retrieved, and the mean time to complete oocyte retrieval.
- Compared with those who had completed >250 retrievals (odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval 0.40–0.99), the incidence of complications was significantly higher for physicians who had performed <250 retrievals .
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