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Aortic arch calcification and bone-associated molecules in peritoneal dialysis patients

Blood Purification Apr 06, 2019

Tsukada M, et al. - Researchers examined 30 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients (age 49.3 ± 13.4 years), to determine aortic arch calcification (AoAC) progression-related molecules in these subjects. They used plain chest radiography scoring (AoACS) to determine AoAC. Increased AoACS on follow-up chest X-ray at the end of the study (progressors) was accepted as the definition of AoAC progression. They assessed fibroblast growth factor-23 and osteoprotegerin (OPG). Participants were followed for a median duration of 38.5 months. Findings revealed a link between increased aortic stiffness and AoAC progression. In this patient population, a possible link between OPG and AoAC progression was also suggested.
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