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Anxiety severity does not influence treatment outcomes in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome

Neurourology and Urodynamics May 10, 2019

Yu WR, et al. - In this study with prospectively included interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) patients (n=85, mean age, 53.1 ± 12.4 years), researchers determined how therapeutic outcomes were influenced by anxiety severity. Post-treatment change in Beck Anxiety Inventory scores, as evaluated at 3 months, was the primary endpoint. At 3 months following treatment, changes in the Global Response Assessment, O'Leary-Sant symptom score, and Numerical Rating Scale were assessed as secondary endpoints. Comparison of urodynamic studies with the clinical symptom scores was also done. Findings revealed no impact of baseline anxiety severity on treatment outcomes of IC/BPS. Based on the findings, active treatment was recommended for patients irrespective of their baseline anxiety status.

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