Antiphospholipase 2 receptor antibody levels to predict complete spontaneous remission in primary membranous nephropathy
Clinical Kidney Journal Mar 16, 2018
Rodas LM, et al. - Antibodies to M-type phospholipase A2 receptor (APLA2R) have been proved to be an excellent biomarker of disease activity in primary membranous nephropathy (MN). Herein, the goal was to characterize the predictive value of the level of antibodies against PLA2R as a biomarker of disease course and treatment response in a well-defined cohort of primary MN. An essential role of APLA2R was highlighted. APLA2R not only served as a tool to predict the disease course but also its importance was realized in establishing personalized therapeutic options at the moment of diagnosis of primary MN. A benefit of a longer period of follow-up with conservative treatment after diagnosis could be obtained by patients, in particular with low titre of APLA2R (<40 UI/mL) and proteinuria <4/day.
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