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Anticardiolipin antibodies and 12-month graft function in kidney transplant recipients: A prognosis cohort survey

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Apr 08, 2018

Gauthier M, et al. - Given anticardiolipin (ACL) antibodies without antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) could be associated with thrombotic events (TEs) in kidney transplant recipients, researchers investigated the prognostic role of ACL regarding kidney transplant and patients outcomes. Of 247 kidney transplant recipients who underwent ACL tests, 101 were positive (ACL+ group, 41%) and 146 were negative (ACL– group, 59%). Between both groups, allografts and patient survival within 36 months as TE was found to be similar. ACL without APS before kidney transplantation was identified to be an independent risk factor for estimated glomerular filtration rate decline within the first year post-transplant without over-incidence of TEs.
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