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Antibiotic use without indication during delivery hospitalizations in the United States

Obstetrics and Gynecology Oct 04, 2019

Andrikopoulou M, Huang Y, Duffy CR, et al. - Researchers sought to ascertain trends in unindicated antibiotic use during vaginal delivery hospitalization using an administrative database from January 2006 to March 2015. They analyzed a total of 5,536,756 delivery hospitalizations; these included 2,872,286 vaginal deliveries without an indication for antibiotics. Cesarean delivery was the most common indication for antibiotics (33.6% of the entire cohort), followed by group B streptococcus colonization (15.8%), chorioamnionitis (1.7%), preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (1.6%), endometritis (1.2%), urinary tract infections (0.6%), and other infections (total less than 0.5%). They observed 44.4% decrease in the proportion of women receiving unindicated antibiotics, from 38.1% in 2006 to 21.2% in 2015.
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