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Antibiotic resistance in severe odontogenic infections of the South Australian population: A 9-year retrospective audit

Australian Dental Journal May 18, 2018

Liau I, et al. - Experts assessed the microbiological trends in severe odontogenic infections requiring hospital admission in the South Australian Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit. Researchers determined the rates of antibiotic resistance to empirical antibiotic regimens to quantify the clinical implications of antibiotic-resistant odontogenic infections. Findings suggested that within the South Australian population, there were moderate rates of antibiotic-resistant odontogenic infections. Markedly poorer clinical outcomes were seen in the patients within this subgroup. An early operative intervention was involved by effective treatment of odontogenic infections, with adjunctive use of appropriate antibiotic therapy that involved close monitoring of response to removal of the cause and use of first-line antibiotic agents. An urgent specialist review was required by the cases that fail to respond in order to reduce morbidity and mortality outcomes.
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