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Antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections 12 months after communication and CRP training: A randomized trial

Annals of Family Medicine Mar 16, 2019

Little P, et al. - In this large international trial, researchers assessed the longer-term efficacy of an Internet-based training in C-reactive-protein (CRP) point-of-care testing, enhanced communication skills, or both in attenuating antibiotic prescribing at 12 months for respiratory tract infections (RTIs). Reduction in antibiotic prescribing was documented at 3 months, with risk ratios (RRs) of 0.68, 0.53, 0.38, respectively. Overall, 246 general practices in 6 countries were included. Findings revealed the effectiveness of Internet-based training in enhanced communication skills for the longer-term attenuation of antibiotic prescribing. A waning of CRP training-induced early improvement was reported, and no efficacy of this training was demonstrated for lower RTIs.

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