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Antibiotic coated hinged threaded rods in the treatment of infected nonunions and intramedullary long bone infections

Injury Jul 27, 2018

Cho JW, et al. - The local delivery of high dose antibiotics in the form of antibiotic-impregnated polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement beads or coated rods, in the management of long bone infections, was associated with difficulty in removal from the medullary canal, bead breakage, and lack of stability, so the researchers proposed using an antibiotic cement-coated hinged threaded rod as a temporary intramedullary spacer. In this technique, both an antegrade and retrograde insertion of the threaded rod into the medullary canal through the bony defect site with the connection at the hinge were utilized to treat intramedullary long bone infections and infected nonunions. The proposed technique presented the benefits of local antibiotic delivery, offered improved construct stability, made implant removal easier without delamination of the cement mantle, and employed the versatility of a hinge to limit violation of native joints when treating infected nonunions and intramedullary long bone infections.
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