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Anti-vimentin antibodies: A unique antibody class associated with therapy- resistant lupus nephritis

Lupus Apr 29, 2020

Kinloch AJ, Cascino MD, Dai J, et al. - This study was attempted to assess the correlations between anti-vimentin antibody (AVA) isotypes, other autoantibodies, and response to mycophenolate mofetil in the presence or absence of rituximab. Researchers assayed Translational Research Initiative in the Department of Medicine cross-sectional cohort of 99 lupus patients for IgG-, IgA- and IgM- AVAs, lupus-associated and rheumatoid arthritis-associated antibodies, and hierarchically clustered. Serum from baseline, 26 and 52 weeks from 132 Lupus Nephritis Assessment with Rituximab (LUNAR) trial included lupus nephritis individuals was also examined and compared with renal function up to week 78. The data showed that compared with other commonly measured autoantibody specificities, AVAs, particularly IgG AVAs, are unique in distribution and response to therapy. Moreover, high-titer IgG AVAs distinguish lupus nephritis individuals resistant to conventional therapies. These findings imply that AVAs represent an independent class of prognostic autoantibodies.

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