Anteromedial portal drilling yielded better survivorship of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions when comparing recent vs early surgeries with this technique
Arthroscopy Jan 07, 2019
Eysturoy NH, et al. - Using the Danish Knee Ligament Reconstruction Register, the authors compared revision rates and clinical consequences from 2 time periods ie,
from 2007 to 2010 and from 2012 to 2015 to examine anteromedial (AM) and transtibial (TT) femoral drilling hole techniques in primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. They observed an increased relative risk (RR) of revision anterior cruciate ligament with rotational and sagittal instability after 1 year of surgery for the AM technique in the period from 2007 to 2010. They found no significant difference in revision surgery and objective measures between the techniques from 2012 to 2015. They also noted that AM (2012-15) had a higher Tegner score 1 year postoperatively than the TT-group (2012-15).
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