Anterolateral ligament of the knee: Diagnosis, indications, technique, outcomes
Arthroscopy Feb 05, 2019
Sonnery-Cottet B, et al. - Researchers assessed the data to estimate the diagnosis, indications, technique, and outcomes of anterolateral ligament (ALL) reconstruction of the Knee. They reported the biomechanical behavior of the ALL during the knee flexion path to achieve the control of tibial internal rotation during the pivot shift and with increment in knee flexion angles of >35. They found the following indications for ALL reconstruction: anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) revision, high-grade pivot shift test, chronic ACL rupture, young age, pivoting activities, and subjects undergoing medial meniscus repair. They recorded successful outcomes with anatomic and minimally invasive surgical techniques controlling the anterolateral rotatory instability without specific complications. They concluded no delay in postoperative rehabilitation due tothe summation of ALL reconstruction without the necessity for an early rehabilitation protocol.
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