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Anterior chamber retained lens fragments after cataract surgery: A case series and narrative review

Clinical Ophthalmology Jun 24, 2021

Moshirfar M, Lewis AL, Ellis JH, et al. - Since retained lens fragments in the anterior chamber following cataract extraction (CE) with phacoemulsification are uncommon but can cause significant patient morbidity, researchers sought to identify risk factors associated with retained lens fragments. Patients who underwent cataract surgery and subsequently identified to have retained lens fragments in the anterior segment were involved. The sample consisted of 24 patients who had cataract surgery with phacoemulsification and were subsequently diagnosed and treated for unilateral retention of lens fragments in the anterior chamber. Increased patient age, shallow anterior chamber depth, and thick lens can be risk factors for retained lens fragments. Additional surgeon-specific risk factors may exist. There was no significant difference in the phacoemulsification technique (Divide-and-Conquer vs Horizontal Chop).

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