Anterior chamber angle in aniridia with and without glaucoma
Clinical Ophthalmology Aug 12, 2019
Bajwa A, et al. - Whether patients with aniridia [rare congenital disorder of ocular development due to mutation of the PAX6 gene, which is inherited most commonly in an autosomal dominant fashion with variable expressivity] and glaucoma had open angles on high-resolution anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) and clinical gonioscopy was investigated in this retrospective, comparative study. For this analysis, 43 patients (86 eyes), the average age was 32 ± 17 years, with aniridia had recorded anterior segment OCTs, gonioscopy, or both. Of these patients, there was a diagnosis of glaucoma in 27 (54 eyes) and no proof of glaucoma in 16 (32 eyes). According to findings, most eyes with aniridia and glaucoma have open anterior chamber angles, comparable to those with glaucoma-free aniridia. All eyes that had closed angles with aniridia and glaucoma had previous ocular surgery history.
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