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Antenatal depression, psychotropic medication use, and inflammation among pregnant women

Archives of Women's Mental Health Jun 10, 2018

Miller ES, et al. - In this cross-sectional secondary analysis of a prospective multicenter observational study, the association between psychotropic medication and inflammatory biomarkers was investigated in 723 pregnant women who underwent a depression screen using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) between 12 and 21 weeks gestation. Compared to pregnant women not responsive to medication or women with untreated antenatal depressive symptoms (ADS), women on pharmacotherapy who respond to treatment for ADS showed lower TNFα. Findings suggest the possibility that either the modulation of the immune system accompanied the therapeutic response in the context of pharmacotherapy or that there may be an association of pre-existing higher levels of TNFα with a poorer response to traditional pharmacotherapy.
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