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Antenatal corticosteroid administration in women undergoing tocolytic treatment who delivered before 34 weeks of gestation: A retrospective cohort study using a national inpatient database

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Jan 14, 2019

Shigemi D, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study performed using a national inpatient database in Japan, researchers determined the proportion of patients treated for threatened preterm birth with tocolysis who received antenatal glucocorticoids. Further, they analyzed the association between long-term tocolysis and antenatal glucocorticoids treatment as recommended. Pregnant women who had undergone treatment in hospitals due to threatened preterm birth, received the tocolytic ritodrine hydrochloride by infusion from July 2010 to March 2016, and delivered at < 34 weeks of gestation were evaluated. The investigators identified only 23% of 4,048 eligible patients who received glucocorticoid treatment as recommended, suggestion no reception of recommended antenatal glucocorticoid treatment by many patients who receive tocolytic treatment for threatened preterm birth. They emphasized performing recommended treatment based on apparent evidence for the patients with threatened preterm birth.

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