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Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin (1-7) axis in pulmonary arterial hypertension

European Respiratory Journal Apr 10, 2020

Sandoval J, Del Valle-Mondragón L, Masso F, et al. - Given that vasodilatory, anti-proliferative, anti-fibrotic and anti-hypertrophic properties of angiotensin converting enzyme type 2 (ACE2) and Angiotensin 1–7 [Ang-(1–7)] have been demonstrated in animal models of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), however, there is still a lack of complete understanding of the status and role of the ACE2-Ang-(1–7) axis in human PAH, so, to address this subject, researchers analyzed 85 patients with a diagnosis of PAH of different etiologies. Controls included 55 healthy blood donors paired for age and gender. A higher concentration of AngII and of aldosterone was detected in patients with PAH vs controls. Overall, AngII-ACE2-Ang- (1–7) axis seemed to be modified in human PAH and experts proposed a role of this imbalance, in favour of AngII, in the pathogenesis of the severe PAH.

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