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Angiogenic factor estimation as a warning sign of preeclampsia-related peripartum morbidity among hospitalized patients

Hypertension Mar 01, 2019

Perdigao JL, et al. - Among normotensive women or those with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, researchers assessed the link between angiogenic markers (sFlt1 [soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1]) and PlGF [placental growth factor]) and preeclampsia-related peripartum complications. Overall, 681 women were included, with 375 reporting hypertensive disorders. Within 96 hours prior to delivery, blood samples were taken and using an automated platform, angiogenic markers were measured. Higher levels of sFlt1, lower PlGF, and a high sFlt1/PlGF were detected among women with severe preeclampsia vs normotensive women. In a multivariable analysis, a strong link was noted between the highest tertile of sFlt1/PlGF and severe preeclampsia. For severe and mild postpartum hypertension, a remarkably higher sFlt1/PlGF ratio was noted, relative to women with normal postpartum blood pressures. Findings revealed that an abnormal angiogenic profile before delivery was significantly associated with severe preeclampsia and peripartum complications.
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