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Analysis of risk factors of bladder neck contracture following transurethral surgery of prostate

BMC Urology Apr 15, 2021

Chen YZ, Lin WR, Chow YC, et al. - This study was attempted to assess the perioperative parameters associated with bladder neck contracture (BNC) after transurethral surgery of the prostate and to compare the incidence of BNC after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or Thulium vaporesection (resection group) vs Thulium vapoenucleation or enucleation of the prostate (enucleation group). In this study, 2,363 patients received TURP and 1656 patients received transurethral surgery of the prostate with Thulium laser (ThuP) at Mackay Memorial Hospital between March 2008 and March 2020. BNC has developed in a total of 62 patients. This study’s findings illustrated that the incidence of BNC was the same in different surgical techniques and that low prostate volume, recatherization, and ≥ 2 comorbidities were positively associated with the development of BNC after TURP or ThuP.

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