Analysis of pregnancy outcome after anastomosis of oviduct and its influencing factors
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Nov 10, 2019
Feng Y, Zhao H, Xu H, et al. - Researchers sought for the factors that influence pregnancy after laparoscopic oviduct anastomosis. Analyzing data from 156 cases of laparoscopic oviduct anastomosis, a decrease in the pregnancy rate was observed with age. A higher pregnancy rate was observed among women with ligation after 6 years of the anastomosis; among those with oviduct lengths of > 7 cm; among those with isthmus end-to-end anastomosis; among those undergoing bilateral tubal recanalization vs unilateral tubal recanalization; and among those undergoing laparoscopic tubal ligation and laparoscopic anastomosis vs open tubal ligation and laparoscopic anastomosis.
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