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Analysis of pre-operative factors affecting range of optimal vaulting after implantation of 12.6-mm V4c implantable collamer lens in myopic eyes

BMC Ophthalmology Jul 11, 2018

Lee H, et al. - The clinical factors affecting postoperative vaulting in eyes that had achieved optimal vaulting within the range of 250–750 μm following implantation of 12.6-mm V4c implantable collamer lenses (ICL) were evaluated. For this investigation, 236 eyes of 236 subjects that had achieved optimal vaulting following implantation of a 12.6-mm V4c ICL were retrospectively analyzed. Researchers reported that myopic eyes with greater preoperative anterior chamber depth (ACD), larger pupil size, and longer axial length (AL) were predisposed to higher postoperative vaulting following 12.6-mm V4c ICL implantation. When choosing V4c ICL size, the extremes of these parameters should be considered.
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