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Analysis of long-term safety and efficacy of nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy for chronic hepatitis B during entire pregnancy

International Journal of Infectious Diseases Mar 17, 2021

Shang J, Liu H, Wen Q, et al. - Limited data are there concerning the effect of nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy during the entire pregnancy on long-term safety of chronic hepatitis B women and their infants. A total of 165 patients were assessed in this retrospective cohort study, comprising 91 patients in telbivudine (LDT) group and 74 patients in tenofovir (TDF) group. Researchers here evaluated the virological response and safety in women and the physical development and bone mineral density in children. Relative to LDT, TDF during their entire pregnancy exhibited better long-term antiviral efficacy. Chronic hepatitis B women displayed no evidence of renal toxicity during pregnancy and postpartum in correlation with receiving TDF and LDT. No effect on long-term physical development and bone development of children were observed in correlation with receiving either TDF or LDT during the entire pregnancy.

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