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Analysis of hip and knee reconstruction questions on the orthopedic in- training examination

Journal of Arthroplasty Oct 10, 2020

Premkumar A, Lebrun DG, Shen TS, et al. - This research was sought to describe an updated analysis of the hip and knee sections of the orthopedic in-training examination (OITE). Between 2014 and 2019, researchers examined all OITE questions related to hip and knee reconstruction over six examinations for the topic, subtopic, taxonomy, imaging modalities, resident performance, and references. One-hundred sixty-six hip and knee reconstruction questions of 1,600 OITE questions (10.4%) over a six-year period were included in the study. The data revealed that orthopedic in-training examination continues to evolve over time, incorporating recent literature and topics. The recent analysis distinguishes high-yield topics and resources that can assist resident preparation for the OITE hip and knee section.

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