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Analysis of extracellular fluid volume in peritoneal dialysis patients before and after kidney transplantation

Blood Purification Apr 06, 2019

Sakai K, et al. - Via retrospectively analyzing spontaneous body weight loss and osmotic excretion vs true body weight following kidney transplantation in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients and preemptive transplant recipients vs hemodialysis (HD) patients, researchers assessed the association of extracellular fluid (ECF) volume and osmotic excess with treatment modality. In other transplant recipients on PD, they evaluated maximum bladder volume. Patients aged <12 years and cadaveric transplantations were excluded from the study. Compared with the HD group, the PD and preemptive groups showed the occurrence of ECF volume and osmotic excess pre-transplantation. Despite maintenance of maximum desire to void (MDV) and residual and total urine volume by PD, pre-transplantation monitoring of ECF volume and osmotic excess was recommended. They also advised to always consider pre-transplant HD support in PD and preemptive transplant patients.
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