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Analgesic effect of adding magnesium sulfate to epidural levobupivacaine in patients with pre-eclampsia undergoing elective cesarean section

Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology Oct 16, 2018

Elsharkawy RA, et al. - Whether addition of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) to epidural anesthesia provides any analgesic benefit in mild pre-eclampsia was investigated in 60 parturients with mild pre-eclampsia. These subjects were allocated randomly to two equal groups. Using two separate syringes, 20 ml levobupivacaine hydrochloride 0.5% plus 5 ml isotonic saline 0.9% was administered to the placebo group, and the same amount of local anesthetic plus 5 ml of 10% MgSO4 (500 mg), using two separate syringes was given to the magnesium group. The pain-free period was significantly longer, and both the onset time of motor block and the time needed to achieve complete motor block were significantly shorter in the magnesium group. The total postoperative consumption of fentanyl was significantly lower in the magnesium group vs the placebo group.

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