Anal incontinence after caesarean and vaginal delivery in Sweden: A national population-based study
The Lancet Feb 27, 2019
Larsson C, et al. - In this observational population-based study, researchers compared the risk of developing anal incontinence in women who had a caesarean delivery, in those who had a vaginal delivery, and in two age-matched control groups (nulliparous women and men). According to ICD 8–10 in the Swedish National Patient Register during 2001–15, all women in the Swedish Medical Birth Register who gave birth by caesarean delivery or vaginal delivery during 1973–2015 in Sweden and were diagnosed with anal incontinence were included. The study included 3,755,110 people. After pregnancy and delivery, the risk of developing anal incontinence increases. In order to enable early intervention in the event of injury, women with known risk factors for anal incontinence should perhaps be offered a more qualified post-partum examination.
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