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Anaesthetic efficacy of 4% articaine and 2% lidocaine for extraction and pulpotomy of mandibular primary molars: An equivalence parallel prospective randomized controlled trial

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Apr 08, 2018

Alzahrani F, et al. - Researchers compared the anesthetic effectiveness for pain and behavior during treatment with mandibular infiltration using 4% articaine (BI) vs inferior dental nerve clock (IDNB) using 2% lidocaine for extraction or pulp therapy in mandibular primary molars. This study included children aged 5–9 years old randomly assigned into two groups viz, BI supplemented by buccal intrapapillary infiltration with 4% articaine and IDNB with 2% lidocaine supplemented with long buccal infiltration. Equivalent success rates were noted for both the anesthetic techniques during treatment.
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