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An update on renal scarring after urinary tract infection in children: What are the risk factors?

Journal of Pediatric Urology Sep 23, 2019

Kosmeri C, et al. - Current data on possible risk factors and predictors of renal scarring following febrile UTIs in childhood was looked into in order to show updated information on clinical, laboratory and imaging risk factors and predictors of renal scarring following first or recurrent febrile UTIs, that may be correlated with renal scarring. is An independent risk factor for renal scarring was the recurrence of acute pyelonephritis, while the term of fever prior to the treatment initiation is principally correlated with acute pyelonephritis and its severity. Severe vesicoureteral reflux is a significant independent risk factor for the development of renal scarring following a febrile UTI. Certain clinical parameters could be utilized to recognize children at high risk for renal scarring following febrile UTI, assisting clinicians to keep a dimercaptosuccinic acid scan for selected cases.
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