An update on prevalence and risk of snus and nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Acta Pediatrica Feb 12, 2019
Kreyberg I, et al. - In view of the increasing use of the oral moist tobacco product snus among women in reproductive age, researchers reported an update on the prevalence and effects of maternal use of snus and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) during pregnancy and breastfeeding. On searching human studies in Medline, PubMed and EMBASE, they identified three studies indicating the prevalence of snus use in pregnancy of up to 3.4% in the first trimester and 2.1% in the third trimester. Twelve studies suggested that maternal snus use during pregnancy correlates to an increased risk of several adverse effects, especially preterm delivery, stillbirth and small for gestational age. Conflicting and inconclusive results were noted regarding the effects of NRT during pregnancy in 10 studies. They identified no studies during breastfeeding.
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