An up to 17-year follow-up retrospective analysis of a minimally invasive, flapless approach: 18,945 implants in 7,783 patients
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research May 23, 2018
Jesch P, et al. - Researchers assessed the survival rates of implants in patients using a mucoperiosteal punch for flapless implantation in the majority of cases in order to evaluate its medical efficacy and safety. They noted that the ATP-Punch was safe and medically effective. Findings suggested a comparability of cumulative survival rates (CSRs) using this flapless technique with the classic surgical flap approach. As per data, the smoking and implant position were significant factors of implant survival. Compared to the most frequently implanted first premolar site, in the maxilla, canines and third molars were identified as low-risk sites. The central incisor and second premolar in the mandible were seen as high-risk sites, the canine as the low-risk site vs the most frequently placed first molar site.
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