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An extension of a multicenter, randomized, split-face clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of chromophore gel-assisted blue light phototherapy for the treatment of acne

International Journal of Dermatology Nov 23, 2017

Nikolis A, et al. - Researchers aspired to inspect the efficacy of the KLOX BioPhotonic System on the untreated hemiface during the Main trial, as well as the duration of response on the hemiface treated during the first 12-week Main trial for the treatment of acne. It was determined that the BioPhotonic System, which consisted of LED blue light phototherapy and photo-converter chromophores, illustrated long-term efficacy and safety in the treatment of acne vulgaris. It displayed a rate of compliance above what was generally observed in a young cohort of patients suffering from acne vulgaris, particularly with regard to the sequential enrollment in a study treating one hemiface.
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