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An experience of slow-Mohs micrographic surgery for the treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: A long-term cohort study

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Feb 14, 2020

Asilian A, et al. - Researchers conducted a long-term cohort study to provide an experience of slow-Mohs surgery for the treatment of patients with dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), a rare dermal mesenchymal tumor known as a low-grade, slow-growing malignancy. Participants in the study were patients (n = 25) with the diagnosis of DFSP by histological and immunostaining study. Study participants were followed for a median of 46.9 months. Data reported that the median of the area of excision was 35.56 cm2 and the median clinical excision margins were 19 mm. The results are in support of slow-Mohs surgery for the management of DFSP, whereas more extensive studies are strongly advised for generalization of this procedure.
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