An enhanced recovery after surgery pathway for cesarean delivery decreases hospital stay and cost
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jul 25, 2019
Fay EE, et al. - Researchers examined the influence of implementing an enhanced recovery after surgery pathway for cesarean delivery on postoperative length of stay and postoperative direct cost compared with historic controls. In this retrospective cohort study, 531 women on the enhanced recovery after surgery cesarean delivery pathway in the first year of implementation were compared with 661 historic controls. The analysis revealed significantly decreased postoperative length of stay and significant direct cost-savings per patient in correlation to the implementation of an enhanced recovery after surgery pathway for women who had planned or unplanned cesarean delivery, without an increase in hospital readmissions. Given that cesarean delivery is 1 of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States, significant healthcare cost-savings could be achieved in relation to the positive impacts on the postoperative length of stay and direct cost for women who undergo cesarean delivery.
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