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An association between maternal weight change in the year before pregnancy and infant birth weight: ELFE, a French national birth cohort study

PLoS Medicine Sep 06, 2019

Lecorguillé M, Jacota M, de Lauzon-Guillain B, et al. - A total of 16,395 women from the ELFE French national birth cohort which is a nationally representative cohort in which infants were recruited at birth with their families in 2011 were involved in order to examine the relationship between weight change over the year prior to the pregnancy and birth weight. For women with overweight and obesity, weight loss former to the pregnancy was related to increased gestational weight gain in comparison with women with stable weight prior to the pregnancy, which appeared to cancel out an expected decline of infant birth weight. Thus, in overweight and obese women, health professionals should be aware that gestational weight gain may offset the expected impact of weight loss on fetal growth, former to the conception. Additional studies are needed to understand the underlying mechanisms to create weight-control interventions and enhance maternal periconceptional health and developmental conditions for the fetus.
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