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An analysis of costs associated with shoulder arthroplasty

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Mar 07, 2019

Chalmers PN, et al. - Between July 1, 2011, and November 30, 2016, authors researched over 361 individuals to examine the factors correlated with variation in direct costs with shoulder arthroplasty in this retrospective study. They observed 19% with revision arthroplasty procedures, 32% with anatomic total shoulder arthroplasties, and 66% with reverse total shoulder arthroplasties (RTSAs). They recorded the total costs including 13% operative facility utilization costs and 58% operative supply costs. Younger age, use of an RTSA, bone graft use, implant brand B, implant brands excluding A and B, the sequelae of a rotator cuff tear as an indication for surgery, or an indication for surgery of others, were the factors correlated with higher operative costs.
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