Amphiphilic additives in silicone oil tamponade and emulsification: An eye-on-a-chip study
Acta Ophthalmologica Aug 12, 2019
Lu Y, Chan YK, Lau LH, et al. - This analysis focused on the impact of amphiphilic additives in silicone oil on emulsification under eye-like movements. For this investigation, three silicone-oil-soluble surfactants, namely DC749, MQ1640 and FZ2233, were utilized as model amphiphilic additives. According to findings, emulsification was promoted by the amphiphilic substances in silicone oil. Water-in-oil drops were also formed in addition to typical oil-in-water drops that normally affect the eye. It is necessary to investigate the nature of the drug and its possible impact on emulsification and therefore on pharmacokinetics before silicone oil could be regarded as a vehicle for drug delivery. An additional concern is that water-in-oil droplets in the eye would affect silicone oil's optical clarity and could cause visual symptoms.
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