Amnioreduction in cases of polyhydramnios: Indications and outcomes in singleton pregnancies without fetal interventions
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 23, 2019
Erfani H, et al. - Researchers examined all amnioreduction procedures performed on singleton gestations complicated by polyhydramnios in order to assess indications, pregnancy outcomes, and risk of adverse events following these procedures. Amnioreduction was performed on 358 patients during the study period. Cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome led to 251 cases and singletons undergoing additional fetal intervention procedures comprised 74 cases. As per data gained, cases with singleton gestation had a low risk for preterm delivery in close proximity to the procedure. These cases did not experience rupture of membranes, placental abruption, sepsis, fetal demise or neonatal death. Considering these data, clinicians may counsel potential candidates for amnioreduction with singleton pregnancies and symptomatic polyhydramnios.
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