Ambulatory monitoring unmasks hypertension among kidney transplant patients: Single center experience and review of the literature
BMC Nephrology Aug 01, 2019
Gluskin E, Tzukert K, Levi IMY, et al. - Taking into confounding by demographic and clinical variables, researchers focused on the difference between clinic and ambulatory blood pressure (BP) among adult recipients (n = 76) of a kidney allograft followed at their transplant center. The recorded clinic systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) were 128 ± 13/79 ± 9 mmHg, and 147 ± 18/85 ± 10 mmHg were awake SBP and DBP. The estimated clinic-minus-awake SBP and DBP differences were − 18 and − 6 mmHg, respectively. In this study, the measurement of BP in the kidney transplant clinic revealed pervasive underestimation of BP. In this population, a high frequency of a non-dipping pattern was also shown. To detect and manage hypertension, the need for liberal use of ambulatory BP monitoring was also highlighted.
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