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Ambient air pollution and mortality among older patients initiating maintenance dialysis

American Journal of Nephrology Apr 05, 2021

Feng Y, Jones MR, Chu NM, et al. - Researchers investigated if exposure to fine particulate matter results in elevation of mortality risk in older patients undergoing dialysis. They used the US Renal Data System to select older adults starting dialysis (2010–2016). They also obtained PM 2.5 [particulate matter with diameter < 2.5 µm] concentrations. A 1.16-fold elevated risk of mortality in relation to a 10 μg/m 3 increase in PM 2.5 was observed for older dialysis patients who resided in areas with high PM 2.5; also, populations most vulnerable to high PM 2.5 were those who were female, Black, or had diabetes as a primary cause of renal failure. Findings revealed elevated risk of mortality in older adults starting dialysis who resided in ZIP codes with PM 2.5 levels >12 μg/m 3 . An increased risk was observed in those aged >75, even at concentrations below the Environmental Protection Agency Standard for PM 2.5 .

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