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Alcohol use disorder and risk of suicide in a Swedish population-based cohort

American Journal of Psychiatry Apr 07, 2020

Edwards AC, et al. - Using longitudinal population-wide Swedish medical, criminal, and pharmacy registries, researchers assessed the risk of suicide in correlation with alcohol use disorder (AUD), prior to and after accounting for psychiatric comorbidity. They also determined to what extent the observed link was attributable to a potentially causal mechanism or genetic and familial environmental confounding factors that raise risk for both. The adjusted analyses revealed a robust link of AUD with suicide; hazard ratios across observation spans ranged from 2.61 to 128.0 and from 2.44 to 28.0 among women and in men, respectively. Overall, AUD was identified as a potent risk factor for suicide, with a substantial link persisting following accounting for confounding factors. The influence of AUD on suicide risk was emphasized, even in the context of other mental illness. For attempts to decrease alcohol-related suicide, the importance of the time frame shortly after a medical or criminal AUD registration was also highlighted.

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