Albumin-globulin ratio and mortality in patients on peritoneal dialysis: A retrospective study
BMC Nephrology Feb 22, 2020
Peng F, Sun L, Chen T, et al. - By performing this retrospective study with 602 incident peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients, researchers assessed the prognostic significance of albumin-globulin ratio (AGR) on PD patients. The participants were observed for a median follow-up duration of 32.17 months. The link between AGR and all-cause of mortality and cardiovascular mortality was assessed using Kaplan-Meier curves and multivariate Cox regression models. The deaths of 131 (21.8%) patients were reported during follow-up, including 57 deaths (43.5%) attributable to cardiovascular diseases. An increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality were observed in patients who exhibited a low AGR level. The likely usefulness of AGR was suggested for recognizing patients on PD who carry a risk for cardiovascular disease and all-cause of mortality.
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