Agonist or antagonist? Comparison of IVF protocols by body mass index category in patients with unexplained infertility
Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019
Gordon C, et al. - Researchers conducted retrospective cohort analysis comparing the outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle for patients with unexplained infertility in agonist and antagonist cycles stratified by body mass index (BMI) categories. Further, they determined if age, race/ethnicity, and parity influence these associations. Using National Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance System (NASS) data, they identified 35,177 first embryo transfers; of these, 18,242 (51.9%) resulted in clinical pregnancy and 15,516 (44.1%) resulted in live birth. In agonist vs antagonist cycles, higher pregnancy and live birth rates were noted for patients overweight and with Class I obesity among patients with unexplained infertility. This finding does not match to previous analyses inclusive of all infertility diagnoses demonstrating increased clinical pregnancy rates (CPR) and live birth rates (LBR) across BMI stratum. Higher LBRs using agonist protocol was observed in those who were overweight among women who were <35 or were non-Hispanic white or Hispanic. Superior outcomes for agonist cycles to that of antagonist cycles were observed, despite assumed equivalent ovarian reserve, in this subset of patients.
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